Wednesday 25 February 2015

Stay Alive Urban Art Project

To promote Stay Alive app, the first app of its kind in the UK, Grassroots are launching a urban art project across the city. The Stay Alive urban art project has already begun with an impressive piece on Bond Street. The work was painted by Graf Inc. local artists on the side wall of ShakeAway.

The project includes painting of electrical boxes across the city with a series of exciting and creative designs to be used to decorate a number of boxes. Urban art on electrical boxes has become a hugely popular feature of the streets of Brighton and Hove and this project will mean even more street art in the city.

As a part of the Stay Alive urban art project, the artists are working with Grassroots to hold two FREE workshops and an ART COMPETITION for members of the community to be involved in. The workshops, for people aged 16-25, are given the opportunity to learn basic street art skills such as stenciling and spraying, alongside a safe space to talk about issues around mental health and suicide. These workshops are being held in late March (Friday 27th and Saturday 28th).

The competition is open to anyone who is interested and requires entrants to submit a design for a background which should be an expression around the theme of suicide and suitable for use on an electric box in the city. Standardized Grassroots logo and Stay Alive app will be stenciled on top of the winning design.The winning entrant will see their work brought to life and used on a box on the streets of Brighton & Hove.

Deadlines for both places on the courses and entries to the design competition are Friday March 20th 2015.

We think this is an incredibly exciting project which will see the city benefit enormously. As well as promoting an excellent suicide prevention resource, Stay Alive, allowing it to be accessed and used by more people who need it, the art will also raise awareness of suicide as a community health problem and improve the look of the streets of our city.

We are looking forward to seeing the important work of this project come to life over the coming weeks. 

Workshop details: Friday 27th March 6- 9pm, or 
Saturday 28th 1-4pm at Brighton Youth Centre (BYC)
Deadline for workshop applications FRIDAY 20th MARCH 2015.

To book your place on either workshop and to submit design entries contact

#StayAlive - Download now onto any Andriod or iOS mobile device.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Funded Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Training for East Sussex

Grassroots is excited to announce that we are delivering a number of free, fully funded mental health and suicide prevention courses starting in April 2015. 

Courses include:

  • ASIST: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
  • SafeTALK: Suicide Alertness For Everyone
  • MHFA: Mental Health First Aid
  • One in Four: Mental Health Awareness

Funding for the training has come from Public Health at East Sussex County Council, and the training is available to front-line service staff and volunteers working in East Sussex. To be eligible for a funded place you must currently be working or volunteering in East Sussex.

As a guide, training places are initially limited to 3 places per course, per organisation. However, for larger organisations further places may be available. If you are unsure about your eligibility for a funded place, or would like further information please contact Grassroots Suicide Prevention directly at or on 01273 675764.

Please regularly checking our booking website for new courses, please click 'Book Now'.

ASIST: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (2 days)
A comprehensive, evidenced based and highly regarded course that teaches a robust and practical model of suicide intervention.

For further details, and to book a place, please use the links below:

Eastbourne, Kings Centre: Thursday 16th- Friday 17th April 2015

Uckfield, Uckfield Civic Centre: Monday 6th- Tues 7th July 2015

Hastings, Horntyre Park Sports Complex: Thursday 22nd- Friday 23rd October 2015

- Eastbourne, Kings Centre: Wednesday & Thursday 9th -10th December 2015

- Hastings, Horntye Park: Monday & Tuesday 22nd - 23rd February 2016

safeTALK: Suicide Alertness For Everyone (half-day)
An accessible course, that teaches a four-part model to provide an initial response to a person with thoughts of suicide.

For further details, and to book a place, please use the links below: 

- Eastbourne, 3VA Annexe: Wednesday 6th May

- Hastings, Horntyre Park Sports Complex: Thursday 24th September 2015

- Uckfield, Uckfield Civic Centre: Tuesday 17th November  2015

- Eastbourne, 3VA Annexe: Tuesday 1st December 2015

- Hastings, Hastings Voluntary Action: Tuesday 26th January 2016

- Lewes, Lewes Your Way: Wednesday 9th March 2016 


MHFA: Mental Health First Aid (2 days)
Teaches you how to identify, understand and help a person who may be developing a mental health problem. In the same way as we learn physical first aid, mental health first aid teaches you how to recognise those crucial warning signs of mental ill health. 
For further details, and to book a place, please use the links below:

- Eastbourne, 3VA Annexe: Friday 15th May & Friday 22nd May 2015

- Hastings, Horntye Park Sports Complex: Thursday 8th & Thursday 15th October 2015


One in Four: Mental Health Awareness (half-day)

A highly-regarded myth-busting educational awareness workshop for anyone who needs to learn more about experiences of mental health.

For further details, and to book a place, please use the links below:

- Eastbourne, 3VA Annexe: Wednesday 3rd June 2015

- Uckfield, Uckfeild Civic Centre: Thursday 3rd December 2015

- Eastbourne, Community Wise Centre: Thursday 28th January 2016 

- Lewes, Lewes Your Way: Tuesday 8th March 2016


Places are limited. For more information about One in Four please contact Grassroots
Suicide Prevention directly at or on 01273 675764.