Author Nita Tarr, who has lived through
kidnap, abuse, rape, murder, depression and chronic illness, tells her story in
her new book “Suicidal Christians” with profound depth and insight. Her multiple suicide attempts and what
triggered them, are laid bare. This is an excerpt from that book:
'Over the years, I have attempted suicide
many times for many different reasons – most were after I became a Christian. Unfortunately, I cannot remember all of them,
but I remember some: When I was in my
early teens I took an overdose of tablets because I felt rejected, alone,
misunderstood and scared. In my late
teens, I was trying to get someone’s attention.
While I was being abused I did it because I wanted the fear and torture
to stop. When I got married, crushing
disappointment combined with feelings of being trapped led to another
attempt. In my thirties medication for
depression, combined with booze, caused me to want to die. Then, after childbirth and having just moved
to a new country, the most insidious of all the reasons: depression set
in. Its grip was gradual and I did not
at first recognise it for what it was, but it led me to the brink.
When I was a child, I loved comic
books. I had a mountain of them - Little
Dot, Archie, Dennis the Menace, to name a few. One day I overheard my mother, a
teacher, explaining to someone that she was concerned that I still wasn’t
reading ‘real’ books at the age of eight but that she thought comics might
help. She was wise. But I thought she was crazy and that I would
love them forever. But, quite gradually,
something started to change. They began
to lose their appeal. The pictures
looked dull and the stories boring. I no
longer cared about what happened to Betty or Little Dot.
This is how it felt when I got depressed:
suddenly, everything changed. The things
that had given me excitement and happiness before looked dull and boring now -
the heaviness inside me stifled and paralysed.
Whereas before, I had been able to change gear from first to second to
third, now I was in neutral. It became
difficult to motivate myself to get up in the morning and I slept at every
At first I asked: “Why do I feel like this?” But gradually I
began to feel nothing at all. I tried to
make sense of it all by ascribing feelings to my lack of feeling, for example,
if someone asked, I would say I was lonely or sad or unfulfilled. But I wasn’t.
I was just feeling nothing.
Whatever happened I remained in neutral
gear: If something good
happened…nothing; something bad…nothing.
Everything meant nothing. Nothing
on the outside changed anything on my inside.
I had nothing to give and nothing to live for.
Not being able to feel anything led to
mind-numbing boredom. I would see people
laugh at jokes and wonder what was so funny.
I didn’t want to go anywhere or do anything. I would listen to others sing songs to God
and wonder why. I heard sermons that left others challenged, but I couldn’t get
any meaning out of them. There was no
meaning in anything.
Colours were duller. Music was sadder. Everyone looked desperate and unhappy. I found no purpose in work. I even began to
avoid those I loved because they were too much effort.
I didn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable
around me and I was scared of being judged, so I pretended. Having been trained as an actress
helped. I would smile but it hurt. I would laugh and it would sound false to
me. I couldn’t cry. Well, not at first…
Some of those closest to me knew though,
and they tried to fix me. I tried to fix
me too: thinking happy thoughts, not
thinking too much; eating better, not eating too much; getting exercise, not
being obsessed with exercise; being good to me, not focusing on me; trying to
be happy, not trying so much. I was left
feeling like I had been put in a washing machine without any water – tossed and
I started to feel like I was a shell with
something dead inside. Thoughts of how
to kill myself would lurk in my mind – drive into the wall, jump, if I took all
these tablets would they do the job? I
would catch myself thinking these things and try to reason: “It’s not like I actually want to die. I just didn’t want to exist any more.” What I really wanted to do was sleep –
preferably forever.
I didn’t tell others when I felt this
way. There is no way to tell someone you
want to kill yourself. There is no way
to get the response you want from people.
They either: make a hasty exit, begin to cry, tell you how selfish you
are or get completely freaked-out and hover over the phone ready to dial
emergency services. In all fairness, I
don’t know what the right response would have been.
Christians! How can this be?” you might
ask. Perhaps you think this is an
oxymoron – Christians are called to have the ‘life abundant’ and failing that
they should at least be ‘happy.’ They are certainly not meant to be in a place
where they feel they cannot continue to live anymore!
you feel guilty about having had these thoughts. Maybe you doubt your salvation. Maybe you
have, like me, reached a point where you see no way out. This book is written for you.
modicum of relief may be gained by realising that we are not alone in having
suicidal thoughts. We can read about
many people in the Bible who were used and loved by God, but who were also
deeply depressed to the point of wanting to die: David speaks about his ‘downcast soul’ many
times in Psalms. Elijah wails “I have
had enough, Lord…take my life.” (1 Kings 19:4)
Jonah was so distraught he said:
“Take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.”(Jonah 4:3)
We hear the anguish filled words that Jesus spoke before his death: “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the
point of death.” (Psalm 72:12)
to the World Health Organisation, more people are killing themselves today than
in any previous time in our history.
More people die from their own hand than from war, natural disaster and
murder combined. About a million people
across the globe die by suicide each year - that is an average of one every 40
seconds. Some statistics report that
half of all those who kill themselves are Christians.
Since writing this book, I have been amazed
at the number of Christians, some of whom I have known for a long time, who are
opening up with their deepest problems.
We all need to be more ‘real’ with each other and stop perpetuating the
lie that Christians are meant to be perfect…we are not…we are saved, but not
perfect. As long as desperate people
think they need to wear a mask, they will be too afraid to ask for help. If we step out bravely and share our messes
with each other, then those who need to talk the most (like those who are
suicidal), will come forward with their problems. We need to shatter the taboo that Christians
cannot be suicidal – they are…it is a sad, simple fact. Let’s turn our mess into our message in the
hopes that others will too.'
Christians” by Nita Tarr is available to purchase online at www.suicidalchristians.com
or on major online bookstores. The reviewer says: 'Each
chapter contains Holy Spirit inspired advice with discerning, practical
application for problems facing anyone who is struggling. Her battle with addiction, crushing low
self-esteem, demonic oppression, and overwhelming fear are intimately and
candidly probed. As well as being a
valuable resource for councillors and pastors, it is an exhilarating, exciting
read for all.'