Stay Alive app: a pocket suicide prevention resource for the UK
A new, free app is being launched on World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September 2014), offering help and support to people who are thinking about suicide or who know someone who is.

The app is highly customisable: as well as links to services, the app includes a ‘LifeBox’ section where you can upload pictures which remind you why you want to stay alive and a mini-safety plan for use in a crisis. Other features include a myth-busting section about suicide, research-based reasons for living and useful information and strategies about what to do if you have thoughts of suicide.

Ian Stevens,
Programme Manager (Suicide Prevention), Network Rail: “The rail industry
operates through the very heart of communities devastated by suicide and these
events impact deeply on our own people too. It is important that we support
such communities by doing what we can to address this issue and offering our
support to those seeking to affect change within their own neighbourhoods and
beyond. We are proud to support this innovative solution which allows
people thinking about suicide to find the help they need, day or night, no
matter where they may live.”

For further information contact:
Chris Brown, Grassroots Suicide
Prevention. Tel: 01273 675764
App info
App Name: StayAlive
Developers: Grassroots Suicide
Prevention, and Switchplane
Launch Date: September 10th 2014
Cost: free
Category: Education, Self-Help,
Health & Fitness, Lifestyle & Medical
Android, iOS
World Suicide Prevention Day is led by the International Association for Suicide Prevention
(IASP) and the World Health Organisation. Efforts to prevent suicide have been
celebrated on September 10th each year since 2003. In 2014, the theme of the
day is 'Suicide Prevention: One World Connected.' The theme reflects the fact
that connections are important at several levels if we are to combat suicide.
Grassroots Suicide Prevention ( is a small charity based in
Brighton, UK. Established in 2006, the charity provides mental health and
suicide prevention training courses and expertise to both large and small
organisations in the South East England region. The charity is involved in
local and national strategic suicide prevention work and is working towards
Brighton & Hove being designated as an internationally recognised
suicide-safer city.
Network Rail ( runs, maintains and develops Britain’s rail tracks, signalling,
bridges, tunnels, level crossings, viaducts and 19 key stations.
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust ( provides NHS mental health,
learning disability, substance misuse and prison healthcare services across
Sussex, and a developing range of specialist services across the south east of
England and beyond.
Switchplane ( is a digital agency based in Eastbourne.